NCAS Library
COP10 Decision on Forward Looking Measures
An Expert Group will be established to identify and explore innovative measures to expand tobacco control policies. The DECISION addresses innovative policies aimed at ending the tobacco epidemic.
COP10 Decision on Human Rights
The Decision encourages alignment with UN Human Rights Mechanisms and “requests the Convention Secretariat to foster coordination and collaboration with entities in the United Nations system pursuing human rights mandates in order to raise awareness of the importance of the WHO FCTC implementation in the fulfilment of human rights.” The Secretariat will report back on Human Rights at COP 11.
COP10 Decision on Liability
COP10 adopted a decision on Article 19 - to re-establish an expert group on liability. The Decision calls urges Parties: to hold businesses liable; to require accountability and transparency; to consider strengthening liability regimes; to ensure policy coherence- international and regional organizations, as well as among non-State actors, particularly those working on Sustainable Development Goals and noncommunicable diseases, and on the environmental agenda.
COP10 Panama Declaration
Parties resolved to prevent tobacco industry interference and to remain vigilant and monitor the market presence and marketing strategies used for all tobacco products, including novel and emerging tobacco products, and novel and emerging nicotine products, the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products in the entertainment media and, in particular, in digital communication platforms.
The Tobacco Control Bill
To regulate smoking; to regulate the sale and advertising of tobacco products and
electronic delivery systems; to regulate the packaging and appearance of tobacco
products and electronic delivery systems and to make provision for the
standardisation of their packaging
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the first treaty
negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization.