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The Problem

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death and disability globally, making the tobacco epidemic one of the biggest public health threats worldwide.

What We Do

The National Council Against Smoking, is committed to promoting public health by creating a tobacco- and nicotine-free society. Our objectives are:


  • To promote health by preventing the initiation of smoking behaviour, especially by children – creating a tobacco- and nicotine-free generation

  • To protect the health and rights of non-smokers

  • To encourage and help people to become tobacco- and nicotine-free

  • To educate the public about the hazards of tobacco, and the benefits of a tobacco- and nicotine-free society

  • To advocate for the implementation and enforcement of a comprehensive and evidence-based tobacco control policy, in accordance with the WHO FCTC and SDG target 3.a


We advocate

We advocate for the adoption and implementation of comprehensive and evidence-based tobacco control policies, in line with the WHO FCTC.

We provide support

We provide support for cessation support of tobacco and electronic delivery products, by providing behavioural cessation support through the National Quitline.

We monitor the Tobacco Industry

We monitor and hold the tobacco industry accountable, preventing tobacco industry interference in tobacco control policy development and implementation.

We build partnerships

We Build effective partnerships with CSOs and the government to prevent initiation of tobacco and nicotine products, especially by children.

If you’d like more information about our work contact us today.

Get Support and Resources Now

If you or someone you know is struggling to quit smoking or needs help dealing with the harmful effects of smoking, please reach out to us.

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The National Council Against Smoking is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the harm caused by tobacco use. We  promote evidence-based tobacco control policies and provide resources to help people quit smoking.

Social links

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  • Whatsapp

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© 2024  National Council Against Smoking Proudly by Reign Coders

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